Website library

Below is a list of high-quality websites that I visit regularly.

Web design and development

CSS Tricks: A website with loads of tips and tricks that you can use when designing your own websites and web applications.

MDN: Maintained by Mozilla, this website is the reference when it comes to CSS properties, values and behaviors.

Smashing Magazine: Great all-round website with articles on many web design related topics.

Josh Comeau: Blog with well-written articles about web development.

Practical typography: For me this online book is the introduction to website typography and I used the tips and tricks given in the book throughout this website’s design. Maintained by members of the Chrome team.

Java & JVM

Marco Behler’s blog: A blog containing a lot of guides and how-to’s. Check out his YouTube channel, for his coding videos.


Simply Statistics: An interesting blog about statistics. Unfortunately, it is missing an RSS feed.


Learn Kubernetes with Google: Articles on the usage of Kubernetes and common patterns.

Software development

Kevin Sookocheff: A blog covering a variety of software development-related topics.

Matthew Butterick: A blog about typography, software and law.


Web design and development

Box shadow generator - Josh Comeau: Allows you to generate nice-looking layered shadows using the CSS box-shadow property.

Color contrast checker: Easy to use tool to make sure that colors that you're using are accessible by providing enough contrast.

Libraries and frameworks


Normalize.css: A great starting point for any website that helps you avoid common browser inconsistencies.

Sass: A language that allows you to simplify the CSS that you write. It does require a pre-compilation step as part of a build process in order to be used.


CommonMark for Java: An easy-to-use and extensible Markdown parser and rendering library.


PrismJS: A syntax highlighting library for HTML code blocks.